Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Unadulterated, pure winning from your people here at CYDI.

Reactions to the election. By Doc Illy:

Doc Illy has witnessed a first. McCain is about to beam back up to the mothership.

Doc Illy thinks we should all take up a collection and get Obama an IronMan suit. U laughing, but he is out there extra vulnerable lol

Doc Illy thinks that Obama should just ride around inside Optimus Prime's chest, all day.

Doc Illy thinks Obama should terraform an asteroid and just regulate from Magneto.

Doc Illy hopes that Obama has Bruce Leroy's skills in relation to his interaction with projectiles.

Doc Illy knows that Obama just smoked five packs of Kools.

Doc Illy knows that Jesse Jackson still wants those nuts.

Doc Illy likes how Obama turns states blue....just like a pregnancy test.

Doc Illy is sure that the founders of the Ku Klux Klan are performing "Psycho Crushers" in their graves.

Doc Illy is sure that the Obamas will challenge and defeat the world's terrorist organizations in several high stakes games of Spades.

Doc Illy knows that Obama will be placing uncomfortable plastic on all Oval Office furniture.

Doc Illy hopes Obama's first act as President is to halt the release of "The Soloist"

and many more....

1 comment:

The Pistol said...

Doc Illy is silly as hell!